utsaah se haath men lena example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Potheri Kunjambu, a 'lower-caste' writer from north Kerala, wrote a novel called Saraswativijayam in 1892, mounting a strong attack on caste oppression.
Studies show that cornfields sprayed with herbicides are more prone to insect attack and plant disease than fields that are weeded manually.
The American government said that they were enemies of the US and linked to the attack on New York on 11 September 200 In most cases the governments of their countries were not asked or even informed about their imprisonment.
But sometimes elected governments may not protect or may even attack the rights of their own citizens.Transliterated examples :
1. His intervention seems demonstrated in the attack of the walls of the circus, sometimes cleared several tens of meters deep thanks to the bergschrund 2. His propaganda activity led the first in prison, in 1907, following the attack against Alfonso XIII; he was released for lack of evidence 3. I attack on his throne a proud queen ( 4. In feudal law, he escapes from Saint Louis, any legitimate possibility of attack by a vassal 5. In late November, the Kremlin leaders took the decision to attack militarily, while the Finns mobilized their troops preventivelyGiven are the examples of hindi word utsaah se haath men lena usage in english sentences. The examples of utsaah se haath men lena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., attack.
Generally insect pests attack the plants in three ways: they cut the root, stem and leaf, they suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant, and they bore into stem and fruits.
Potheri Kunjambu, a 'lower-caste' writer from north Kerala, wrote a novel called Saraswativijayam in 1892, mounting a strong attack on caste oppression.
Studies show that cornfields sprayed with herbicides are more prone to insect attack and plant disease than fields that are weeded manually.
The American government said that they were enemies of the US and linked to the attack on New York on 11 September 200 In most cases the governments of their countries were not asked or even informed about their imprisonment.
In some cases powerful countries have launched armed attack on nondemocratic countries.
Why, at this very moment, they may be launching an interplanetary attack of millions of cows! Notify the invasion fleet.
Fear of such an attack induced the US to let its currency float in 1971, one of the major events which precipitated the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system.
Problem-focused strategies attack the problem itself, with behaviours designed to gain information, to alter the event, and to alter belief and commitments.
He set out to attack the Brahmans' claim that they were superior to others, since they were Aryans.
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